香港寶鼎國際拍賣有(yǒu)限公司Hongkong Bao Ding International Auction Co.,Limited. (簡稱“寶鼎國際”),位于香港最富傳統文化特色的地區(qū)之一灣仔,是香港最早發展的地方。公司注冊資金2000萬HKD,是經香港政府批準,工商行(xíng)政管理(lǐ) 部門(mén)、文物局審核注冊的大(dà)型國際綜合性拍賣公司。
寶鼎國際經 過多(duō)年的發展,确立了鮮明(míng)的國際發展戰略,面向海內(nèi)外堅持以采納或借鑒國 際先進理(lǐ)念和(hé)成熟模式來(lái)兌現公開(kāi)、公平、公正、誠實守信的承諾。在藏品挑選、藏品鑒定、初步估價、接收委托、運輸保管、圖錄編制(zhì)、登記備案、招商展示、展 覽交易、舉行(xíng)拍賣、付款交割、賣家(jiā)結算(suàn)、國家(jiā)申報、國家(jiā)稅務等均體(tǐ)現國際一流專業水(shuǐ)準,樹(shù)立了國際化公司的積極形象。如今,寶鼎國際不僅在中國古代的古董 珍玩,和(hé)近現代的藝術(shù)品領域擁有(yǒu)雄厚的實力,而且業務已面向全球化發展。
Hong Kong International Auction Co., Ltd. Baoding Hongkong Bao Ding International Auction Co., Limited. (Referred to as "Boyden International"), located in one of the most traditional cultural characteristics of the region, Wan Chai, Hong Kong is the place where the earliest development. Companies registered capital of 20 million HKD, was approved by the Hong Kong Government, industry and commerce administration, the Audit Bureau of Cultural Relics registration of large international integrated auction company.
Boyden International After years of development, the establishment of a distinct international development strategy for the home or learn to adhere to the adoption of advanced concepts and mature model to deliver an open, fair, just and honest commitment. In the selection of collections, collections identification, initial valuation, receiving commission, transportation, storage, preparation of catalogs, registration, investment shows, exhibitions transaction, an auction, payment settlement, the seller settlement, national reporting, state tax etc. embodies world-class professional standards establish a positive image of the company's internationalization. Today, Baoding international antique curios in China not only ancient, modern and contemporary art in the field and has a strong, but business has been facing the globalization.
Hong Kong International Auction Co., Ltd. Baoding
Since its inception, always adhere to honesty and trustworthiness Baoding international business fundamental, adhering to customer-oriented work ethic, relying on a strong team of experts throughout the world and customer resources, pioneering, innovative, and achieved in various areas of art auction good results, and continuously improve the competitiveness of the industry, rigorous, disciplined style has won the public's trust and support.
Boyden International hopes the new opportunities for collectors to build up the best trading platform, will continue to implement the concept of professional services, occupy an important seat in the Hong Kong and Taiwan, China, Asia-Pacific market and the world market, has become the industry benchmarking, and strive to the most professional, the most perfect service to every customer.
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