網站(zhàn)名稱: 精元電(diàn)腦(nǎo)股份有(yǒu)限公司
Jing Yuan Computer Inc. was founded in 1975, officially listed in 1999, is currently the world's largest notebook computer keyboard manufacturer. Starting from the early computer embryonic Jing Yuan, it is committed to providing high quality products and excellent service as the goal, not only for the customers to create high-value products, but also to gradually refined element itself towards industry leader in the road.
Jing Yuan laden with huge production team with rich experience in production coupled with high elastic capacity planning, even in the total annual notebook computers growing pressure, but also the stability of supply and demand to meet customer. Meanwhile, the fine per year invested a lot of R & D resources, continuous research, introduction of new technologies / new applications, innovative products to help customers take the initiative to show professional ODM, OEM strength. The vertical integration of fine elements known, it is to provide customers with one-stop service from mold design, painting, SMT to assembly factories within the group can be independently completed, under way in the electronic product development trend of increasingly short , Jing Yuan brought the use of vertical integration time and cost advantages, the successful creation of its strong leadership.
文章來(lái)源于:重慶網站(zhàn)建設 重慶網站(zhàn)制(zhì)作(zuò) 重慶做(zuò)網站(zhàn) 重慶網絡公司 www.zjcoo.com
企業網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 營銷型網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 行(xíng)業門(mén)戶網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 外貿網站(zhàn)解建設決方案 品牌形象網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 購物商城網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 政府網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 手機網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 教育培訓網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 珠寶高(gāo)端奢飾品網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 房(fáng)地産、地産項目網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 集團、上(shàng)市企業網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 數(shù)碼、電(diàn)子産品網站(zhàn)建設解決方案 美容、化妝品行(xíng)業網站(zhàn)建設解決方案
10年專業互聯網服務經驗 重慶最專業網站(zhàn)團隊 資深行(xíng)業分析策劃 B2C營銷型網站(zhàn)建設領先者 最前沿視(shì)覺設計(jì)、研發能力 時(shí)刻最新技(jì)術(shù)領先研發能力 具有(yǒu)完備的項目管理(lǐ) 完善的售後服務體(tǐ)系 深厚的網絡運營經驗
主營業務:網站(zhàn)建設 | 重慶網站(zhàn)建設 | 重慶網站(zhàn)設計(jì) | 重慶網站(zhàn)制(zhì)作(zuò) | 重慶網頁設計(jì) | 重慶網站(zhàn)開(kāi)發
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